At the end of the 19th century, Pierre Doreau, originally from the Nolay region, came to replant the vines destroyed by phylloxera as a worker. At the same time he acquired a few plots. His 2 sons Maurice and Robert, both sharecropper and owner took over, and from 1960, helped by Marguerite (Maurice’s wife) devoted themselves only to viticulture. Gérard arrived on the estate which he modernized and enlarged while preserving the tradition, he developed the sale in bottles. Today, continuity is ensured by his children Jérôme and Emilie who are in charge on the estate. The methods of cultivation and vinification are in a logic of sustainable viticulture, respectful of the environment and the terroirs. Doreay family mainly practice Guyot pruning and sometimes Royat cordon pruning, leaving only 8 eyes per stock to limit yield. Then a strict disbudding allows them to reduce the number of grapes. Then comes an early stripping to obtain better aeration of the vines and better maturity. The vines are plowed from March to July, the rest of the year they let a natural vegetation cover settle in, the contours are grassy. The treatments are reasoned by using as much as possible products authorized in organic farming.